Remembering the True Meaning of Easter

It is important to remember the reasons that we truly celebrate Easter. We celebrate Easter to remember the Atonement, the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. Christ’s willingness to sacrifice Himself and take upon Him the sins of the world gives us each the opportunity to return to live with him some day. Throughout the year it is too easy to become so wrapped up in the little things going on in your life, that you lose sight of the importance of this gift. I am grateful for the Atonement and the comfort it has brought me in my life. The … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “God Meant it Unto Good”

In this week’s gospel doctrine class, we read of numerous people who were responsible for the Savior’s death. Today, I would like to focus on Judas, the disciple who knowingly betrayed the Son of God. Imagine with me that Judas had remained a righteous disciple. Had he remained true to the Savior, the Lord would not have been crucified. Had He not died, He would not have been resurrected, thwarting the plan of salvation. Thus it is obvious that the deceitfulness of the disciple had been known and planned for from the beginning. Does this sort of knowledge excuse Judas? … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Sorrow Turned to Joy

As Christ prepares Himself to leave His disciples, He warns them of His impending death. He knows that they will view His crucifixion with pain and sorrow. And yet, he promises that “your sorrow shall be turned to joy” (John 16:20). Two thousand years later, we look at the atonement of Christ almost always from a joyful standpoint. After all, it was because He took our sins upon Him that we are able to return home. Similarly, we would not be able to be resurrected had He not first suffered death and then resurrection, and so we would not be … Continue reading

Blessings and Trials

The talks from the last Relief Society session of conference were really amazing. The theme “Encircled in the Arms of His Love” really struck home with me. Each of the sisters who spoke shared a time in her life when she felt that love, and could feel the arms of the Savior around her, helping her. They spoke of the importance of remembering that feeling. It has been a difficult month for me. It is going to be difficult for awhile. And I know that the Lord is there helping me through my experience. I know because I remember Him … Continue reading

Is There Ever a Time to Be Violent?

Many Christians have asked themselves this very question. While in the midst of a war, I’ve heard other Christians bring up the question, “Do you really think Jesus agrees with the violence? What would Jesus do?” If we believe what the Bible says about Jesus in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” Then we can look back through the Bible and read, even from the Old Testament, the character of God. The instruction God gave the children of Israel to claim their promised land might have some people questioning the gentle heart of … Continue reading

General Conference: “The Atonement Can Clean, Reclaim, and Sanctify Our Lives”

In his talk “The Atonement Can Clean, Reclaim, and Sanctify Our Lives” Elder Shayne M Brown speaks about the far reaching affect of the Atonement. Elder Brown opens his talk by describing two beautiful places—an airport and a city park. He then goes on to explain that both of these places are built over sanitary landfills that had been reclaimed. Elder Brown goes on to make the comparison of this to the Atonement. He points out that many people would think that you were foolish if you went to dig up the old garbage that is buried beneath these places. … Continue reading

Prayer During Trials

At some point in your life you will be faced with trials. In fact there is rarely a time in your life, when you will not have some type of trial to overcome. It may not always be a big trial, but rather smaller ones that you struggle with on a day to day basis. It may be that the trials you are facing are a result of poor choices that you have made in the past, or it may be that you are faced with trials through no fault of your own. No matter what trial you are facing, … Continue reading